There is a common word you will hear in the genetic-genealogy world which is "noise". What is noise? Noise in the DNA world can be very small ancestry segments that have a possibility of being "fake" or from another ancestry. For example in most Native Americans get some "Central Asian" admixture <2%. As more and more of the worlds diversity is added to these tests, the more refined they become to get rid of these "noisy" segments. Most noise segments are under 1%. Are all small segments <1% noise?: Absolutely not, in either case you should always try to prove or disprove the validity of small segments. Using multiple DNA companies or tools is the best way to be absolutely sure, and even better if combined with genealogy. The Case of real South-Asian (east-Indian) ancestry in my grandfather Antonio ADMIXTURE Painting 23andme shows him having 0.2% which can be in the noise range. All of this 0.2% is lo...
Analyzing and understanding the roots of Dominican/Quisqueyan/Haitian peoples via genealogy and genetics.